
Email has the ability that many channels don’t,
creating valuable personal touches at scale.


Contact us

Do you wish to tap into the infinite potential of email marketing?

With our subscription email marketing services, you can focus on converting leads into paying customers.

Automate your marketing across channels, with ease, and at scale. Get advanced tools, tailored services, and a team of experts to support you every step of the way.

Increase your outreach number exponentially around the world

Craft a custom marketing message with a clear CTA

Increase your sales funnel by a minimum of 30% month on month

Target the right persona of client

Work as a support for your existing sales ecosystem

Manage your campaigns, Tool acquisition cost & Resource expenses




Target Audience


High ROI

Brand Awareness

Aligned with SEO Strategy

Assist Marketing Goals

Nurture Leads

Metrics Driven

Technology Adaptive

V&D’s Email Marketing Services

Email Lead Generation

Campaign Set up & Management

Domain Management (SPF, DKIM, DMARC)

Curated Database

Craft subject lines & email messages

Perform Custom Fixes

Generate Quality Leads

High Volume Custom Campaigns

Report and Analytics

Send us Message or Talk to Us.

We are here to answer any questions you may have about our V & D Global Solution’s experiences. Reach out to us and we’ll respond as soon as we can..

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(+91) 90951 55559

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[email protected]